I wanted to share an amazing story with you, and I hope God uses it to encourage you.
In ministry, we don't always get to see things come around. We may have an opportunity to plant a seed, start a new relationship, provide a Bible or give a Devotional. Honestly, we often quickly forget the little things God has done in our lives or the ministries we serve. I recently had a similar experience.
Jen and I were recently asked how we began to work with a local coach. As we sat and thought about it, we realized that we sat on the bench for two seasons simply being a support system. The ministry was new, and we were trying to introduce it to coaches, and there was a lot of hesitation. Why are you here? What do you want? How will your ministry impact our ministry? At the end of the second season, a team mom asked if she could host a team dinner along with FCA to recognize all of the hard work the girls put in. She even paid for the dinner. That simple act of kindness and belief in our ministry was enough to help us build a relationship with that coach.
Three years later, we listened to one of our student leaders share her testimony. She shared how her coach encouraged her to check out FCA during lunch. "Jen comes to your practices, to all your games, she invested in you, and what you do, the least you can do is give her a shot." That same coach encouraged her to step into our lunchtime Huddle. "I remember feeling weird, being scared, but I am glad that I came," she stated. Now, here she was, serving as a student leader and sharing her testimony of how God had changed her life over the last three years, and she was encouraging others to give God a shot.
I could not imagine a better example of how our ministry reaches our local athletes.
The amazing thing is that another student leader shared her testimony two weeks later, and guess what? Same coach, same encouragement, and same result. Both leaders are now actively attending youth groups, serving, and above all, Loving Christ. One of them was even recently baptized by her Youth Pastor. How amazing is that!
So often, we don't get to see how God uses us in the lives of those around us, but when you do get to see it, don't be so quick to forget it, and most of all, don't forget to share it with others.
Thank you for your continued support of FCA Imperial Valley. God is at work in the life of our local coaches and athletes, and your ongoing partnership allows us to step into their lives.
PO Box 250
Imperial, CA 92251