“The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works.” Psalm 145:9
As we reflect back on this past school year and begin a new one we ask you to celebrate with us. God has been so good. We honestly thought it couldn’t get any better and once again it’s just a reminder that our view is so narrow at times. As we begin this year with fall sports we are already seeing God at work in amazing ways. We are working with new teams, new coaches, and most importantly sharing the Gospel with new athletes.
We really do have a great team that love serving God. They go above and beyond to share the Gospel and build relationships with our coaches and athletes. They tirelessly share the Gospel and try to be a reflection of Christ on campus. We ask that you continue to lift our staff and volunteers in prayer on a daily basis. Thank you for your continued prayers.
-Juan Benito
Please continue to lift our ministry in prayer. You can join us in praying for:
Two months into the new school year, we are working with over 35 teams, hosting five weekly team breakfasts and having multi-sport lunchtime huddles at BUHS, CUHS, HHS, IHS and SHS. We also have a Coach’s Bible Study open to all coaches on Wednesday mornings. Juan, Jen and Bunda meet with their student leaders regularly to spend time in the Word, encourage one another and prep for the weeks ahead at their schools. God is opening doors in the Imperial Valley, and we need more people who want to help lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church. Each number you see above represents a team that needs your prayers. Athletes and coaches who need Jesus, and we are honored that we get to share God’s love with them. Please keep our staff, volunteers, coaches and athletes in your prayers.
On September 16, 2023, we hosted our second annual support banquet. It was a wonderful evening highlighting God's work in the Imperial Valley through FCA and sharing ministry needs and testimonies. We are thankful to all who joined us, donated and supported the silent auction. Calvary Chapel El Centro graciously opened its doors to us for the evening, and several local businesses donated towards the auction. We are blessed to be surrounded by a community that supports our ministry and is eager to see how God will continue to open doors and grow our team. Because the Imperial Valley FCA is expanding, our budget and needs are also increasing. We are looking for part-time staff members to help at local schools and volunteers to help with teams. If you want to join our support team or are interested in working with the coaches and athletes, don't hesitate to contact us. We'd love to share how you can get involved!
We love competition and seeing our teams battle it out. But we also love seeing teams come together and remember that outside the game, they are one community.
PO Box 250
Imperial, CA 92251